الدرس الرابع القراءة من الوحدة الثامنة In kindergarten للصف السادس الابتدائي الترم الثاني
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كما تعودنا أحبائي من بداية منهجنا لهذا العام , أنه بنهاية كل وحدة هنالك قطع للقراءة والدراسة .
اليوم معنا قطع عبارة عن رسائل لزميل الحضانة أو زميلة الحضانة .
والآن هيا بنا نتعرف علي بعض الكلمات المفتاحية للقطع التي تساعدنا علي فهم ما نقرأه .
move away
move away
ينتقل إلي مكان آخر
قلعة رمال
Let's start
Answer these questions.
1- who is Adam ?
Adam is Kareem's friend from kindergarten.
2- Was Miss Dina Kareem and Mona's first grade teacher?
No,She was their kindergarten teacher.
3 - What did Kareem do at Miss Dina's house?
3 - What did Kareem do at Miss Dina's house?
Kareem and Mona ate lunch, looked at old photos and listened to stories .
4- What could Adam do when he was little ?
When Adam was little , he could build enormous sandcastles.
الخطاب الثاني من سوزان إلي صديقتها عُلي منذ أيام الحضانة :
Dear Ola
When you moved away,I was sad . I miss you very much. Do you miss me ?
Last Monday , I went to Miss Sarah's house for dinner .
She showed me old photos of our kindergarten class. She told some funny stories, too. She said when you were little , you could build enormous sandcastles. Remember?
Do you like Manchester? Are you making a lot of friends ? please, write soon!
Your friend
Read the questions. Write the answers.
1- What did Suzan do last Monday ?
She went to Miss Sarah's house for dinner .
2- What did Miss Sarah show Suzan?
She showed her old photos.
3- Who does Suzan miss ?
Suzan misses Ola .
4- Who could build enormous sandcastles?
Ola could build enormous sandcastles .
5- Where does Ola live?
She lives in Manchester .
إرسال تعليق
نسعد كثيراً بتعليقاتكم , فمنها ما يساعدنا علي التطوير , ومنها ما ينبهنا علي بعض الأخطاء فنتفادي الوقوع بها , فلا تبخلوا علينا بتعليقاتكم المثمرة , ونتمني لكم الإفادة دائماً :